About Me

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I am a missionary from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Nevada! I love being a missionary and I love being able to meet people in New York. I am serving in the western New York area for two years.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks!

          Each of us have things in our life that we should be thankful for. I can easily list many things right off the top of my head. I have so many things to be grateful for that I could probably easily fill up this whole page. All of these things have been given to me from my Heavenly Father. My shoes, sweaters, successes, failures, family, friends, and my life. These things are all great and amazing gifts and I am glad I could come here to earth to enjoy them. I don't think it is a coincidence that after TThanksgiving is Christmas, a separate holiday celebrating what we should be most grateful for, the Lord Jesus Christ and his coming into this world to save us all. Take some time this Thanksgiving and Christmas season to thank God for all of the blessings that he has given you in this life.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Brief explanation of The Book of Mormon

          The first link below is to Joseph Smith's history which clearly explains how the Book of Mormon came about. The second link on the page is the Introduction to The Book of Mormon which includes the testimony of the three and eight witnesses of the Golden plates. The super sweet awesome video link below helps clarify whatever you may have missed from the readings. You can be a pro on how the Book of Mormon came about and what it is! You will then be perfectly ready to read it! Yay!

Joseph Smith - History


Super Sweet Awesome Video!!!                                                                     

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

True happiness comes from Obedience

              Alot of people think that if you obey the rules it will not be any fun. They think if you obey the rules your life will be boring and you will have a sad sad life. Afterall you wouldn't get to have any fun they might say. There was once a story told by David O. McKay about a horse named Dandy that didn't like the rules and regulations and thought it would be better to be free.  

“Under the saddle he was as willing, responsive, and cooperative as a horse could be. …
“But Dandy resented restraint. He was ill-contented when tied and would nibble at the tie-rope until he was free. He would not run away, he just wanted to be free. Thinking other horses felt the same, he would proceed to untie their ropes. …
“… His curiosity and desire to explore the neighborhood led him and me into trouble. Once on the highway he was hit by an automobile. …
“Recovering from that, and still impelled with a feeling of wanderlust, he inspected the fence throughout the entire boundary. He even found the gates wired. …
“One day, however, somebody left the gate unwired. Detecting this, Dandy unlatched it and took another horse … with him, and together they … went to an old house used for storage. Dandy’s curiosity prompted him to push open the door. … There was a sack of grain. What a find! Yes, and what a tragedy. The grain was bait for rodents! In a few minutes Dandy and the other horse were in spasmodic pain, and shortly afterwards both were dead.”
“Under the saddle he was as willing, responsive, and cooperative as a horse could be. …
“But Dandy resented restraint. He was ill-contented when tied and would nibble at the tie-rope until he was free. He would not run away, he just wanted to be free. Thinking other horses felt the same, he would proceed to untie their ropes. …
“… His curiosity and desire to explore the neighborhood led him and me into trouble. Once on the highway he was hit by an automobile. …
“Recovering from that, and still impelled with a feeling of wanderlust, he inspected the fence throughout the entire boundary. He even found the gates wired. …
“One day, however, somebody left the gate unwired. Detecting this, Dandy unlatched it and took another horse … with him, and together they … went to an old house used for storage. Dandy’s curiosity prompted him to push open the door. … There was a sack of grain. What a find! Yes, and what a tragedy. The grain was bait for rodents! In a few minutes Dandy and the other horse were in spasmodic pain, and shortly afterwards both were dead.”   
                The moral of the story is that Heavenly Father has established guidlines and commandments for us to safely return to live with him again and only through obedience and the grace of Jesus Christ can we do so. Let us each strive to be more Obedient so that we can experience true happiness as we return to live in the prescense of our Heavenly Father. Not just partial Obedience but exact Obedience. Watch the video below to see what I mean!!