When Jesus was on the earth he taught his Apostles that it would be through Revelation that his Church would be built upon. He explained, as Peter received Revelation that Jesus was the Son of God, that if his church was organized on this principle of receiving Revelation from God that no power the adversary could muster would be able to stop it (Matthew 16:13-18). This is how the Church of Jesus Christ was ran and it is the way that it has always been ran.
In ancient days God through Revelation spoke to his chosen servants the prophets. In Amos 3:7 the Bible teaches, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the Prophets." Today just as in times of past The Church of Jesus Christ is ran through revelation. The President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Thomas S. Monson, is a living prophet who receives revelation for the Church as a whole. Other members of the Church are also entitled to Revelaton for themselves and for their family. Also members of the Church of Jesus Christ are called to callings in which they serve. There are leadership callings in the Church such as a Bishop. A Bishop presides over a congregation of members living within an area. The Bishop through much prayer, fasting and pondering is able to receive Revelation for the congregation he presides over and give members in the area he serves certain calling to assist him in the work. Each Bishop is selected through Revelation that is given to a Stake President, who presides over several congregations or what is known as a stake. This continues to Area Authorities and General Authorities up the ladder in this same process to The Quorum of the twelve apostles and the President of The Church, who is a Prophet.
It is through Revelation that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints operates today. There is no voting on who should receive a calling and no-one that goes to school to become a minister. The church is guided by divine authority. None of the ministry in The Church of Jesus Christ is paid. It is set up in the same way that it has been set up in previous dispensations and is ran through Revelation.
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