In mortality we are given agency or the ability to choose. The choices we make in this life affect where we will be in the next. We choose what it is as we desire as human beings generally. But when we come to understand The Gospel of Jesus Christ our Desire can change.
-Elder Teichert
Dallin H.Oaks Conference April 2011 (Desire)
About Me
- Zebadiah Teichert
- I am a missionary from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Nevada! I love being a missionary and I love being able to meet people in New York. I am serving in the western New York area for two years.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why is Baptism important? Well Jesus Christ himself taught that Baptism was a central aspect to Salvation.( Mark 16:16). Even Jesus who lived a perfect life with no sin was Baptized for the remission of sins. Why? Baptism is a commandment and just like all of the Saviors life he was showing us an example of what we needed to do.
But what does Baptism mean? When we are baptized we make a Covenant or a promise with our Heavenly Father. We promise him that we will live our lives in a way where we are trying to be like Jesus Christ. We promise to obey his commandments and to remember Jesus Christ and his atonement for us. In return he promises us that we will receive a remission of our sins, we will receive the Gift of The Holy Ghost, and it will be a constant companion to help us through our lives. We are Baptized like Jesus was, by immersion (meaning we go all the way under the water).
One key ingredient that is necessary to make Baptism valid is that it must be done by someone holding the proper Priesthood authority. This power was lost from the earth after Jesus Christ's Apostles were killed. It has been restored to earth again through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Just like Jesus went to John The Baptist to be Baptized, we must also be baptized by those who hold this priesthood authority. John The Baptist himself appeared to Joseph Smith and conferred on him the power of The Priesthood. This power is found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Everyone will have a chance to receive the ordinance of Baptism. When you are baptized it becomes possible to make it back into the presence of your Heavenly Father to be with him. We can achieve Eternal Life. It is all made possible by The Atonement of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for us to overcome sin and return to him and our Heavenly Father's presence. 2 Nephi 31. This is what our Heavenly Father wants for us. Moses 1:39
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Plan of Salvation
Our Heavenly Fathers perfect plan is directly above! Within this plan are the answers to all of life's great questions! In order to get back to our Heavenly Father's presence we must follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This gospel has been restored to earth in it's fullness through the Prophet Joseph Smith! Article of Faith #4.
Through this gospel we can make it home to our Heavenly Father again with all of the experience we came here to receive. We will also be resurrected and receive our bodies again. The Priesthood was restored and it is now possible to receive the all of the ordinances of Salvation as it was in times past! Simple truths have been restored to make our life and purpose easy to understand! Everything is centered around Jesus Christ who overcame Physical Death for us and also made it possible for us to be able to overcome Spiritual Death(Separation from Heavenly Father caused by sin) as we live his Gospel. I am so grateful for The Atoning Sacrifice of my Savior Jesus Christ which makes all things possible. You can literally know these things for yourself as I have come to know that they are true.
If you have any questions please comment.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
How do we hold up under the heat?
In Bath New York today and for the past couple of days it has been pretty hot outside! Walking down the street in my shirt, tie, and suit pants has been nearly unbearable with the sun scorching my skin. I feel weary like I am about to collapse due to heat exhaustion and dehydration as I walk during the day. However; I have been wise and made sure I drank plenty of water before I went outside and that I got the right amount of sleep last night. I also thought it would be smart to protect my skin from the damaging sun rays. I will be able to make it by through these hot days due to my preparation.
The adversary Satan also has a tendency to try to make us weary and fall victim to his traps and snares. Sometimes it feels like he comes on like a hot day in July! He attacks us with rays of temptation and sin trying not to weary of physical strength, but rather; he tries to break us down spiritually to give in to his temptations. In Lehi's dream he describes these tempting periods like mists of darkness(1 Nephi 12:17). But just as the sun gradually dehydrates us and our body temperature rise, so does Satan gradually work his slippery hands into our lives. At first he appears like a friend who is new and exciting to our carnal nature. But soon we realize that we are caught in a hot day and it might seem like we can't find the shade or any water around. But through Jesus Christ's Atonement we are able to escape the temptations that are all around us even when it might seem nearly impossible.
The adversary Satan also has a tendency to try to make us weary and fall victim to his traps and snares. Sometimes it feels like he comes on like a hot day in July! He attacks us with rays of temptation and sin trying not to weary of physical strength, but rather; he tries to break us down spiritually to give in to his temptations. In Lehi's dream he describes these tempting periods like mists of darkness(1 Nephi 12:17). But just as the sun gradually dehydrates us and our body temperature rise, so does Satan gradually work his slippery hands into our lives. At first he appears like a friend who is new and exciting to our carnal nature. But soon we realize that we are caught in a hot day and it might seem like we can't find the shade or any water around. But through Jesus Christ's Atonement we are able to escape the temptations that are all around us even when it might seem nearly impossible.
Satan is cunning and we have to prepare ourselves so we are not found in a position of where we are weak. But we must always be prepared through continual prayer and scripture study to strengthen us spiritually and keep us on our toes. We are not dealing with an amateur here, but with a cunning being that has been at this for years and his weapons are just advancing. But it is possible to escape before we find ourselves looking regretfully into the past.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What are we? What is our purpose?!
Have you ever paused for a moment during the hectic movements of everyday life and just wondered, how did all of this come about? What are we? Just moving, driving around in cars but for what reason? When you really take time to think about these questions it just blows your mind. I know you have probably asked yourself these questions as well. They really just make you wonder don't they?
God has revealed through modern revelation and also his Holy Scriptures the purpose of this life. These things are taught in the Bible and taught simply and plainly in the Book of Mormon. They have again been revealed through living prophets. This knowledge brings us peace and happiness in this life and Eternal Life in the world to come.
God has revealed through modern revelation and also his Holy Scriptures the purpose of this life. These things are taught in the Bible and taught simply and plainly in the Book of Mormon. They have again been revealed through living prophets. This knowledge brings us peace and happiness in this life and Eternal Life in the world to come.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Faith to grow
Our faith is very much like a seed. The Book of Mormon Prophet Alma taught this (Alma 32). How does a seed grow? Well first it has to be placed somewhere and generally in the soil for if we want it to grow. So where do we put faith? We have to let it be put into our heart and give place for it. We have to try to believe. Alma said "But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith" and that is what we must do to have the seed planted in our hearts. We have to listen to the words which God has spoken and treat it like an experiment.
When you bury a seed in the ground you aren't going to see it coming up right away and it may seem like nothing is happening. This is where we must test the Heavenly Virtue of patience. God has said that he tests our patience and our faith and maybe that's why sometimes we can't see anything at first when we plant the word of God deep in our hearts (Mosiah 23:21).
Another requirement for a seed to grow is nourishment. It needs water, and sunlight along with the correct temperatures. For us the way that we nourish the seed in our hearts is through prayer and studying the scriptures. Only as we nourish the seed can it grow. If we do not do these things e can never know if the seed is good. But as we do this the seed will grow and bring forth fruit. The fruit of this seed is joy and happiness, peace of conscience, and a rest to our troubled hearts. We will want to continue to nourish the seed. Then we can know if the seed is good and true.
When you bury a seed in the ground you aren't going to see it coming up right away and it may seem like nothing is happening. This is where we must test the Heavenly Virtue of patience. God has said that he tests our patience and our faith and maybe that's why sometimes we can't see anything at first when we plant the word of God deep in our hearts (Mosiah 23:21).
Another requirement for a seed to grow is nourishment. It needs water, and sunlight along with the correct temperatures. For us the way that we nourish the seed in our hearts is through prayer and studying the scriptures. Only as we nourish the seed can it grow. If we do not do these things e can never know if the seed is good. But as we do this the seed will grow and bring forth fruit. The fruit of this seed is joy and happiness, peace of conscience, and a rest to our troubled hearts. We will want to continue to nourish the seed. Then we can know if the seed is good and true.
I have done this in my own life. One example is when I was gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon. I couldn't sit around and do this, but I had to read it and pray about it frequently and sincerely. Then I came to know that it is true. These same principles can be applied to anyone on this earth and if done properly they can also know as I know that the Book of Mormon is true, that Jesus is The Christ, Joseph Smith was a Prophet, Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet on earth today, and The Church of Jesus Christ is the Lords Kingdom on earth. If you can have this knowledge, why wouldn't you try this as an experiment?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Like a letter to God seems when there is no where else to turn this is the source of help that many people turn to. Sometimes people wonder if there prayers are heard or if they will ever be answered. We perhaps doubt that which has been said so many times in the Holy Scriptures that prayer can be answered. Maybe we just think that our prayers can't be answered and other peoples can. If we ask our Heavenly Father something with real intent he will answer us always. It might not not be the answer we wanted to receive or even in the time frame in which we wanted to receive it, but it can and will be answered.
Answers to prayers can come in many different ways. They can come through studying the scriptures, through the feelings of the Holy Ghost, and through man other means. They come in the best time frame and way for each of us. Our Heavenly Father loves us and will only do what is best for us and answer our prayers in the best way possible. Jesus Christ taught that our prayers will be answered (Mathew 7:7) Watch as a living Apostle talks about prayer and the power it can bring.
Answers to prayers can come in many different ways. They can come through studying the scriptures, through the feelings of the Holy Ghost, and through man other means. They come in the best time frame and way for each of us. Our Heavenly Father loves us and will only do what is best for us and answer our prayers in the best way possible. Jesus Christ taught that our prayers will be answered (Mathew 7:7) Watch as a living Apostle talks about prayer and the power it can bring.
-Elder Teichert
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