Why is Baptism important? Well Jesus Christ himself taught that Baptism was a central aspect to Salvation.( Mark 16:16). Even Jesus who lived a perfect life with no sin was Baptized for the remission of sins. Why? Baptism is a commandment and just like all of the Saviors life he was showing us an example of what we needed to do.
But what does Baptism mean? When we are baptized we make a Covenant or a promise with our Heavenly Father. We promise him that we will live our lives in a way where we are trying to be like Jesus Christ. We promise to obey his commandments and to remember Jesus Christ and his atonement for us. In return he promises us that we will receive a remission of our sins, we will receive the Gift of The Holy Ghost, and it will be a constant companion to help us through our lives. We are Baptized like Jesus was, by immersion (meaning we go all the way under the water).
One key ingredient that is necessary to make Baptism valid is that it must be done by someone holding the proper Priesthood authority. This power was lost from the earth after Jesus Christ's Apostles were killed. It has been restored to earth again through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Just like Jesus went to John The Baptist to be Baptized, we must also be baptized by those who hold this priesthood authority. John The Baptist himself appeared to Joseph Smith and conferred on him the power of The Priesthood. This power is found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Everyone will have a chance to receive the ordinance of Baptism. When you are baptized it becomes possible to make it back into the presence of your Heavenly Father to be with him. We can achieve Eternal Life. It is all made possible by The Atonement of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for us to overcome sin and return to him and our Heavenly Father's presence. 2 Nephi 31. This is what our Heavenly Father wants for us. Moses 1:39
You're a genius, good to see you understand your purpose my friend. Go check out my blog about baptism and central to our purpose also! www.elderstoker.wordpress.com (climbing the mountain)